List of observations:
The meat in the taco had sides like a brick. She made tea. She was wearing shorts and a red t-shirt. The elevator was still broken. Her hands looked nice and probably always had. I changed the light-bulb above the kitchen-table and put the basket of replacement bulbs back above the laundry machine.
Yesterday, we ate eggs for lunch: to my left, CA talked of her mother: she spent her childhood in hiding: sometimes in a railway car. Her mother didn't like to talk about it. She pushed her children hard. CA knew how to take care of herself early. Don't become too attached to anyone. M was listening - looking off to the side - his ear facing front. He asked for two diet cokes with chocolate syrup. We drove D's car. M gave CB a gift to open him up. I asked Diana to do my numerology. I took notes on the conversation. She called me at 4pm and I called her back around 5:30. I'm a 3. My named is long: Jane Worthington Barrow Parshall. My political name is Jane Worthington Parshall. Jane Parshall has more harmony, although it's all rather harmonious, she said, although there's a conflict between my desire to take pleasure in things and my desire for logic. I feel deeply and sometimes this feeling takes over a room. Perhaps this is what happens when I run into David and Cathy: you seem sad, Jane, they say: I say, well, perhaps I'm a bit melancholic today: and I let the conversation turn. I got an IPA. David asked how it was. I said "bitter", which I like, and he said yes - to match your mood - and I said there's a difference between bitterness and melancholy.
When I saw R I began to shake. We stopped and spoke on the stair. I had just left the bathroom. They had bright tile. I had seen some of the show and felt effected. I said I'd been reading galleys, which felt sneaky. The painting was going OK. I had a new commission. I drank a coffee and looked at the rest of the show. I am indentured to the upper-east-side, I told Anne.
At our Friday night dinner, I shared a salad and fish with my mother. Freddie sat to the left. At dinner, at breakfast and at lunch the Bunny Mellon auction came up. My father's head is starting to look pinched. His legs are stiff after running. My mother fills her thermos with coffee. She tells the parents to read to their children. All the children are from the DR. The garden at the Frick won't be around much longer. I got a membership to MoMA. I wanted to see the Christopher Williams talk but was too late. I walked to 81st to meet Liza. She had a Pims Cup and I had a Negroni. Neither of us feel quite serious enough. I told her I can talk to anyone. She's on the board of her church. I haven't been religious for a while. Leon Botstein talked at my father's church on Sunday. He stayed at the coffee-hour for a while. He brought a sugar-cookie home. He had given a reading: I forget what, now: something related to our double-standards: about a slave once freed treating others like a slave. At dinner, my father said grace in Greek.
The wallpaper in the little bedroom where I sleep is very similar to this by Renee Green.
At breakfast, we read the paper. It's easier to read the journal sometimes: the way they frankly list things. My father makes me a pot of tea. "A" decided to get the same carpeting as it smells nice and is economical. My mind was on their passing: once gone, what's built will disintegrate.
They thought I should have a nice pair of shoes: this will contribute to a uplifted sense of self. Will it?
F wears bow-ties on Friday in honor of justice Paul Stevens.
Sally picked Mom up for tennis on Saturday. She played again on Sunday with a different group. Mellie said hello at dinner.
Justine wore her hair brushed up and cleanly away from her forehead and pulled into a looped bun at the nape of her neck. She ordered the Beef Carpaccio. She was slimmer than last I'd seen her. She was wearing a thick necklace of hammered gold and earrings to match. I told her they were beautiful and she said she thought so too. She told me I looked gamine. We have difficulty speaking, she and I. The waiter was very friendly. My father wore a tan suit. We split salad. He asked after the young people getting married. Justine said everyone looked great. The car broke down so she had to stuff her wedding dress. She said hello to a few people as we left. This kind of nettedness has been evading me. I don't have it.