"Oh, do tell the American people that I am a normal man; that I am a devoted husband and father, that I have three fine children, that I go to the theatre, ride horseback, have a comfortable home, a fine garden that I love, flowers, etc. just like any man." (Matisse)

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"The collaboration of an advanced choreographer like Armitage and an advanced pictorial artist like Salle may roughly double the constituency for each, but the level of understanding in this expanded audience, relative to the work, will be drastically reduced. Such is the specialization of knowledge and taste today that almost no one will have an equal grasp on the choreographic and pictorial issues of a really sophisticated collaboration. Even with the best of will -- hardly to be assumed when devotes [sic] of one art are often perfect philistines when it comes to other arts -- almost anyone's response will be partial and eccentric. This being inescapably the case, might it be, somehow, okay? As an art professional and dance amateur writing about a largely choreographic work, I prefer to think so. Otherwise, humility about my own partial, eccentric view-point would shut me up." (1989)