Dinner 11.23
garlic soup
pizza with wild boar sausage
gnocchi with rabbit bolognese
flourless chocolate cake and limoncello
Je works as a criminal-justice lawyer in Fresno. People tend to confess to more than they're guilty of. He tries to live by morals: do you go to the movies or give to charity? He bought his condo thinking he could rent it out. You never know how people will treat a place. His eyes tilt nicely on the side of his face. Eases back in his chair and rests his arms out right and left. Can't find a woman without kids. Pa drove her son to San Jose for hockey for a year. There was a drill where you'd have to stand there and let people hit you. Certain races have bigger cerebral cortexes. That guy who was good at boxing: it was twice the size. Jo says we're blind. When he speaks, his body swells. He just needs a woman. He's happy he's circumcised so he can control his impulses. P calls him a bigot. He puts a grapefruit on the juicer and pours sherry glasses. Has he been in love? If he knew the formula he'd have done it by now. He looks at the cake. It's like a stomach-ache. You don't know what you're in.