The girl behind the counter spoke with her husband on the phone: they had a meeting at 1pm at their son's school, hurt in her eyes as she softly repeated she wouldn't get off for a half hour. My appointment didn't show up in their system but she let me through anyway. I had my smog checked months ago but never filed my registration. The man helping me (thick clear glasses) asked me to read the information off to him. He asked where (917) was. He and his family visited New York on vacation. They spent a week there, but he could only take five days. "A nice place to visit but not to live." He played soccer and they were always in the finals with Chico. Turn left on "Green Street" it's a one-way street. I didn't go to any sports games because I was working 4 jobs. It's nice here in Pasadena. You can tell. Colorado and Fairfax. Bellevue. Doesn't mind driving around. Been at Enterprise 5 months. Better than a regular office job: you can talk to people, new people. What do you do? It's been a while. He lives in Alhambra. An OK place. C's hair stood a foot from her face. She was wearing her white jeans. The orchids were in the sink waiting to be watered. It was chilly. She opened the hall closet and took her orange vest out. "Esta bien." My car charged and stuttered. The man was thin, limber. I followed him to his truck and watched as he pulled a battery free. C ate bagel chips. Slow business when overcast. Oil change. Orange tan. The woman in navy stretch pants and placid skin talks about the 710. They spritz the windows and wipe everything down.